I have always wondered where the vocal samples from this track by Herrhausen & Treindl originate from. Now I just stumbled across the source by accident:

It’s the documentary The Hippie Temptation from 1967.

Harry Reasoner’s opening narration:

The aggressive determination of hippies to start a new society has made its mark upon San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury. Part of the neighborhood is occupied by ordinary people bewildered by what’s going on. Part of it is occupied by a growing population of hippies. There are a lot of for sale signs in Haight-Ashbury. There are a lot more houses being occupied by hippies. The hippies are capable of extremely hard work, even though they tend to approach work as the rest of us do sport. Some of them are very successful. This is the house of a popular local band which plays hard rock music. They call themselves The Grateful Dead. They live together comfortably in what could be called affluence. There are many other similar houses or apartments in Haight-Ashbury maintained by hippies who work in places where employers do not mind bizarre dress or long hair. Their concept of a new style of life unites them. That concept is in most cases drawn from the drug experience. The Grateful Dead themselves acknowledge they have used LSD. Warren Wallace asked them what they thought the Hippie Movement was trying to accomplish.

Harry Reasoner’s closing narration while GD plays Dancin’ In The Streets at a free concert:

Most of these people are young. Most of them come from middle class homes. On the average they are well educated or could be if they wanted to. But they do not want that or much else in our civilization, except on their own terms. In many ways their terms have the glitter and the attraction of the bright, the bold and the noisy. But it appears to be style without content.

They object to the ills which beset society: war, social hatreds, money-grubbing, spiritual waste. But their remedy is to withdraw into private satisfactions. When one thinks of the problems of our day which cry for attack and imagination and youthful energy, this seems like the greatest waste of all. The movement appears to be growing. Use of drugs appears to be spreading. There is the real danger that more and more young people may follow the call to “Turn On. Tune In. Drop Out.” Well, there are the hippies. They make you uncomfortable because there is obviously something wrong with the world they never made if it leads them to these grotesqueries. But granting the falls of society, you can say three things about them. They at their best are trying for a kind of group sainthood. And saints running in groups are likely to be ludicrous. They depend upon hallucination for their philosophy. This is not a new idea and it has never worked. And finally, they offer a spurious attraction of the young, a corruption of the idea of innocence. Nothing in the world is as appealing as real innocence. But it is by definition a quality of childhood. People who can grow beards and make love are supposed to move from innocence to wisdom.